These poor old Blogger pages have been quite neglected, as of late. Some may assume that the reason is, again, that time of semester when papers and seminars consume a good chuck of the waking time of the academy. That's indeed so, for many people. But a still more insidious procrastination technique has overtaken the cyber-world--Facebook.
I joined, as many do, because everyone they know is doing it (much like the peer pressure we're warned against in junior high!). The site is simple enough in its purpose and execution. You can post pictures, profile information, and messages, and only the people you accept as your friends get to see this information. Of course, the definition of "friend" seems to vary rather loosely, and while I have a modest, but pleasant, 60-ish friends, other people appear to be rather popular, and have lists in the hundreds. That said, it is a very nice way of keeping in touch with people whose company you've enjoyed, but haven't kept in close contact with. I've added a number of high school friends, and it is nice checking in on people's whereabouts. Almost eliminates the need for the high-school reunion...
And then it begins! The hours spent writing messages on each other's "walls," looking at the pictures of "friends," full of people you barely know, if at all, and the constant logging in, in the off-chance that someone may have responded to a note or wall message! Lately, I've taken to posting quizzes that I've gotten from and posting them into my Facebook, so that other people can take the quiz. It's like a black hole of non-productivity, but boy, is it fun!
And speaking of black holes of non-productivity, I should get away from the internet altogether and work on that thesis that must be finished so that I can start my PhD in the fall. Back to work with me...after I log into Facebook just one more time.