Tuesday, January 2, 2007

features are fun

i could be working on my thesis.
or my sshrc proposal.
or my THESIS proposal, which needs a couple of minor tweaks.
i could be cleaning my apartment.
instead, i am blogging.
and playing with features--i'm inputting html code! who would have thought that i could do that!
i, who got a 79 in introductory computer science that merely comes down to my ability to memorize.
daniel must be very proud.


Annie said...

HTML! I don't know it well at all, but when I cut and paste and twist, things usually work out. It's fun!

Welcome to blogspot!

Chris in NF said...

Ah, yet another voice in the practically-empty blogosphere. ;-) Welcome to the show that never ends.

PS -- great title!

Mandy said...

thanks chris ;)
i came up with the idea after i put 'the mezzanine' in as one of my new favourite books! ironic postmodern elevation of the low etc etc.
guess i learned a lot from you!